Nuts are one of the oldest food sources in human history. About 7000 years ago, people living in the Middle East began to consume dried nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts. At that time, nuts were used both to meet their daily nutritional needs and to stock up on food during the spring and summer months.
Nuts are considered a popular snack in every corner of the world, from the Middle East to Europe, from Asia to America. In ancient Egypt and Greece, nuts were consumed as an enriched snack, especially by the elite. Later, during the Roman Empire, nuts were also used as a food source used by the Roman army.
In Medieval Europe, nuts were considered an important trade good, leading to the creation of special gardens for production, especially hazelnuts, in countries such as Italy and France. After the discovery of the New World, nuts became one of the breakthrough products taken to America.
Today, nuts are considered a popular food source along with healthy eating habits. Nuts contain many essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that the body needs. At the same time, although they are high in calories and fat, they are filling and nutritious.
The production of nuts has accelerated with modern technology and many different varieties are now produced around the world. These include varieties such as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, brazil nuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.
In short, nuts are one of the oldest food sources in human history and are still considered a popular snack today. When consumed with healthy eating habits, they provide many benefits for the body.
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